Questions Anwesers
Q1: Describe the difference between an XML Sitemap and a HTML Sitemap. List the benefits and disadvantages of using each. An XML Sitemap is a file in XML format that contains all the URLs of a wesbite, typically used by search engines. While HTML Sitemap/s is a page on a website listing all URLS, used by visitors to navigate that site and find the page they are looking for.
Q2: Evaluate three IDE’s (Integrated development environments) and provide a brief summary on the positive and negative aspects of each. Also, in your own words include how it would suit an entry level trainee code developer. Jcreator:Is for Java and holds benefits like being highly customisable, easily usable with its intuitive interface. With large amounts of features and at an afforable price its noted to be beginner / entry level friendly. Negatively Jcreator is only available through windows, and lite versions encompass limited access to its capability. Idle: Is for python. Its said that idle is user friendly, being easy to learn for beginners. It has nice highlighting features, also having a smart indent which apparently helps a lot. Its ease of use and functionality is simple, with a simplistic layout. However negatively its not necesarrily made for advanced users, being minimalistic. It does what it needs to do, but its simplicity restricts it in some ways. Codelite: Is streamlined and fast with its autocomplete funcitions whilst coding. The interface is very simple and easy to use. Its highly configurable and its portability is very high. Negatively users have to manually select a language everytime upon load up, a relatively boring UI that has limited customisable options. Its simplicity could restrict it in some ways.
Q3: Provide a brief history on web browser development and the issues encountered by web developers, specifically, the adherence to web standards. The first web browser called the WorldWideWeb was made in the early 90s, thereafter Mosaic was created which paved the way for modern day browsers. Browsers have evolved from simple docment viewers to now complex applications that hold multimedia content and services. Web developpers have had to adhere to certain standards such as:
  • Browser compatibility, ensuring compability across multiple browsers including past versions
  • Legacy code, developpers may struggle to maintain other peoples past code, which may not adhere to current standards
  • Balancing of design & functionality, usually a trade off must occur between visual aesthetics and website optimisation / functionality
  • Constant changes as the field is always updating. Developpers are requried to continously update their skills and knowledge to stay competetive / up to date with the latest developments
Q4: What are website testing methodologies? Your answer MUST cover browser compatibility, and website functionality. Testing methodologies are approaches to evaluate the functionality, peformance and quality of any given website. Tests include, checking the websites compatibilty with alternate browsers, operating systems, and devices. Functionality tests, testing if the website does what it was designed to do, set out in the deveopment phase. Further checking its performance on other devices aswell. Security testing, to ensure the website has measures to prevent unauthorised access / malicious activities.
Q5: What are the endorsed requirements of accessibility for all NT Government webpages? Web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG) covers 4 main principles. Operable, interface components must be operable. Understandable, information and funcitionality of the entire webpage must be easily understandable. Perceivable, information / content must be presented to users in way they can perceive it. Robust, content must be robust in order to be interpreted reliably.
Q6: How do you think it’s best to organise all the assets used for a specific webpage? Think locally on your computer AND within the root folder of the website. General organisational stuff like correct grouping and naming of assets in appropriate folders. Have a nicely made folder structure locally and for the root of the website. Have your most used content / assets easily reachable for efficency purposes. Utilise metadata for tagging your assets. Reduce as much clutter to keep it tidy, by reusing images or reformatting content. Also regularly audit / access your webkeeping organisational functionality.